Datetime Picker
The Datetime Picker component is able to change date and time using timezones or ignoring timezone diff. You can use automatic timezone or set a custom timezone to System Timezone or User Timezone
1<x-datetime-picker2 label="Appointment Date"3 placeholder="Appointment Date"4 wire:model.defer="normalPicker"5/>
Model: 12-05-2021 13:40
1<x-datetime-picker2 label="Appointment Date"3 placeholder="Appointment Date"4 parse-format="DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm"5 wire:model.defer="customFormat"6/>
1<x-datetime-picker2 label="Appointment Date"3 placeholder="Appointment Date"4 display-format="DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm"5 wire:model.defer="displayFormat"6/>
1<x-datetime-picker2 without-timezone3 label="Appointment Date"4 placeholder="Appointment Date"5 wire:model="withoutTimezone"6/>
- System Time: 2025-02-28 07:26:03 UTC
- Min date: now() - 7 days, 12:30 PM
- Max date: now() + 7 days, 12:30 PM
- Model:
1<x-datetime-picker2 label="Appointment Date"3 placeholder="Appointment Date"4 wire:model="model"5 :min="now()->subDays(7)->hours(12)->minutes(30)"6 :max="now()->addDays(7)->hours(12)->minutes(30)"7/>
1<x-datetime-picker2 id="min-max-times-input"3 without-timezone4 label="Appointment Date"5 placeholder="Appointment Date"6 wire:model.defer="mixAndMaxTimes"7 min-time="08:00"8 max-time="18:00"9/>
Datetime Picker Options
The datetime picker accepts all input options and slots
Prop | Required | Default | Type | Available |
clearable | false | true | boolean | boolean |
without-tips | false | false | boolean | boolean |
without-timezone | false | false | boolean | boolean |
without-time | false | false | boolean | boolean |
interval | false | 10 | string|number | boolean |
time-format | false | 12 | string | 12|24 |
timezone | false | UTC | string | All js available timezones |
user-timezone | false | real user timezone | string | All js available timezones |
parse-format | false | ISO8601 | string | All dayjs formats |
display-format | false | localeFormat | string | All dayjs formats |
min | false | null | Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|timestamp|null | All Suported Carbon::parse dates |
max | false | null | Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|timestamp|null | All Suported Carbon::parse dates |
Read more about Dayjs formats.