The Errors component is useful for displaying errors in a friendly way.
We can find this component often combined with the Inputs component to report validation errors.
Tip: You can customize the default error messages in the language translation files.
There were 4 errors with your submission
- The name field is required
- You must inform a valid email
- This address is invalid
- The phone field is required
1<x-errors />
There were 2 errors with your submission
- The name field is required
- You must inform a valid email
1<x-errors only="name|email" />
We found 4 validation error(s)
- The name field is required
- You must inform a valid email
- This address is invalid
- The phone field is required
1<x-errors title="We found {errors} validation error(s)" />
Tip: The key {errors} will be replaced with the number of error messages.
Errors Options
Prop | Required | Default | Type |
title | false | [...] | string |
only | false | none | string|array |