
The Select component has support to render default html select with slot or options prop. You can customize the option component for one or all options. See Examples.

How to Implement the async-search?

WireUi will make a request with the search parameter(string) when the user types in the input.
When the component is initialized and has any selected value, the select will send a request with the selected parameter(array) to find the selected option.
You are free to create your API as you want, just apply these two scopes: search and selected

  • Create an API that returns an array in the response
  • Set the option-label and option-value attributes
  • Implement the search scope
  • Implement the selected scope
Tip: See these files to read more about the API implementation.
Controller , Test

You can customize the asyncData prop to change the http method and add more data to the request.

1export type AsyncDataConfig = {
2 api: string | null
3 method: string
4 params: any,
5 credentials?: RequestCredentials,
6 alwaysFetch: boolean
How to Customize the async-data?

The queryString params will be merged with the asyncData params

1<x-select ... :async-data="route('api.users.index', ['foo' => 'bar'])" />
5<x-select ... :async-data="[
6 'api' => route('api.users.index'),
7 'method' => 'POST', // default is GET
8 'params' => ['ble' => 'baz'], // default is []
9 'credentials' => 'include' // default is undefined
10]" />
Simple Options
2 label="Select Status"
3 placeholder="Select one status"
4 :options="['Active', 'Pending', 'Stuck', 'Done']"
5 wire:model.defer="model"
Multi Select
2 label="Select Statuses"
3 placeholder="Select many statuses"
4 multiselect
5 :options="['Active', 'Pending', 'Stuck', 'Done']"
6 wire:model.defer="model"
Custom Options
2 label="Select Status"
3 placeholder="Select one status"
4 :options="[
5 ['name' => 'Active', 'id' => 1],
6 ['name' => 'Pending', 'id' => 2],
7 ['name' => 'Stuck', 'id' => 3],
8 ['name' => 'Done', 'id' => 4],
9 ]"
10 option-label="name"
11 option-value="id"
12 wire:model.defer="model"
2 label="Select Status"
3 placeholder="Select one status"
4 :options="[
5 ['name' => 'Active', 'id' => 1, 'description' => 'The status is active'],
6 ['name' => 'Pending', 'id' => 2, 'description' => 'The status is pending'],
7 ['name' => 'Stuck', 'id' => 3, 'description' => 'The status is stuck'],
8 ['name' => 'Done', 'id' => 4, 'description' => 'The status is done'],
9 ]"
10 option-label="name"
11 option-value="id"
12 wire:model.defer="model"
Slot Options
2 label="Select Status"
3 placeholder="Select one status"
4 wire:model.defer="model"
6 <x-select.option label="Pending" value="1" />
7 <x-select.option label="In Progress" value="2" />
8 <x-select.option label="Stuck" value="3" />
9 <x-select.option label="Done" value="4" />
1<div class="grid grid-cols-1 sm:grid-cols-2 gap-5 sm:max-w-lg">
2 <x-select
3 label="Select Relator"
4 placeholder="Select relator"
5 wire:model.defer="model"
6 >
7 <x-select.user-option src="https://via.placeholder.com/500" label="People 1" value="1" />
8 <x-select.user-option src="https://via.placeholder.com/500" label="People 2" value="2" />
9 <x-select.user-option src="https://via.placeholder.com/500" label="People 3" value="3" />
10 <x-select.user-option src="https://via.placeholder.com/500" label="People 4" value="4" />
11 </x-select>
13 <x-select
14 label="Search a User"
15 wire:model.defer="asyncSearchUser"
16 placeholder="Select some user"
17 :async-data="route('api.users.index')"
18 :template="[
19 'name' => 'user-option',
20 'config' => ['src' => 'profile_image']
21 ]"
22 option-label="name"
23 option-value="id"
24 option-description="email"
25 />
Select Options


Prop Required Default Type Available
label false none string *
placeholder false none string *
option-value false none string *
option-label false none string *
option-description false none string *
options false none Collection|array *
flip-options false false boolean
option-key-value false false boolean
clearable false true boolean boolean
searchable false true boolean boolean
multiselect false false boolean boolean
icon false none string all heroicons
rightIcon false selector string all heroicons
async-data false none string|AsyncDataConfig all endpoints
always-fetch false none string true|false
template false default string|array default|user-option
empty-message false __('wireui::messages.empty_options') string *
hide-empty-message false false boolean boolean
min-items-for-search false 11 int *
Default Option


Prop Required Default Type
description false none string
label false none string|null
value true none ayn
readonly false false boolean
disabled false false boolean
option false none Model|stdClass|array|null
User Option


Prop Required Default Type
description false none string
label true none string|null
value true none any
readonly false false boolean
disabled false false boolean
src true none string|null
option true none Model|stdClass|array|null
Select Events
2 ...
3 x-on:open="alert('openned select')"
4 x-on:close="alert('closed select')"
5 x-on:selected="alert('selected/unselected option')"
6 x-on:clear="alert('cleared select')"
8 ...

2 label="Search a User"
3 wire:model.defer="model"
4 placeholder="Select some user"
5 :async-data="route('api.users.index')"
6 option-label="name"
7 option-value="id"
8 hide-empty-message
10 <x-slot name="afterOptions" class="p-2 flex justify-center" x-show="displayOptions.length === 0">
11 <x-button
12 x-on:click="close"
13 primary
14 flat
15 full>
16 <span x-html="`Create user <b>${search}</b>`"></span>
17 </x-button>
18 </x-slot>

Select Slots
1<x-slot name="beforeOptions">
2 // html code
5<x-slot name="afterOptions">
6 // html code